Photos from the 65th + 1 Reunion

This page provides access to all photos of the event. Groups of photos (usually provided by an individual photographer) are often shown as a miniaturized gallery of images. Click anywhere on that gallery to see all its images in a larger, one-at-a-time format. If a photographer provided a single photograph, it is shown large already.

Tammy Aramian’s photos

In one case, (Tammy Aramian’s photos) images are shown as a single, large, clickable image which (when clicked) presents the images in another website and opens in a separate browser tab. Without a doubt, Tammy managed to capture more images than anyone, possibly including a shot of just about everyone. Once in her website, photos may be viewed in a gallery of medium size images, or, by clicking on any of the photos, will be presented in a larger, one-at-a-time format.

Frank Colligan’s photo

Frank only provided one photo but it manages to both focus on the group at his table as well as take in a large part of the reunion crowd beyond. Frank also provided the names of those at his table.

(left to right, Carol KLINGAMAN Colligan, Phil Fisher, Terry & Sharon Douglas, Robert Herbert, Bob Burrows, Ed Egert)

Phil Fisher’s photos

Phil provided us with seven images from the reunion. Click on any of them to see them all in a larger one-at-a-time format.

Roger Goldberg’s photos

Roger gave us four images, mostly close-up shots of participants but one which focused more on a portion of the overall event.

Shirley CHU Yee

Shirley managed to capture 17 images, throughout the event, from the beginning to the end.

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