Memorial Page

This page presents our best information on classmates who have passed away. We do our best to keep the list updated. However, particularly with class-mates living all over the United States and some even in other parts of the world, the committee is not always aware when some of these changes in status occur.

As you review the list’s contents, you may notice that a classmate you know of who has passed is missing from our pages. Please feel free to contact us by email, text, or even a letter via USPS, to let us know.

The list below has been updated since its May 6th presentation at our 65th + 1 Graduation Year Reunion. Clicking on any of the pages below will present them all in a larger, more readable, view. The following classmates have been added since the May version:

  • Robert GONZALEZ
  • Clive MARDER
  • Eugene MORIGUCHI
  • Jean SHEEDY Kimball

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